Artist, Creative, & Momma

As long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be the “boss” of something, when ever my mom would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I never really knew what to say other than “I want to be the boss Mom” LOL. Confident little thing huh?? That inner child has served me so well. I’ve always wanted to create something that was my own. I started my art Instagram account (@hailsxartspot) as a way to help me keep up with my art and design practices during my senior year of college + post college; and I have slowly transformed it into my small biz. I’ve been an avid painter and doodler sense I was a child. Luckily creativity has come very naturally to me as my parents always gave me the space to explore my imagination.

MommyLand started as a small idea that kept me up at night during pregnancy, until I decided that this little thought of mine deserved to take place in this world. So here I am: 24 years old, and in my last month of pregnancy with my first baby - starting a community / brand online because this is something I really need to do for me; and all of the mommas who feel as I do!

I often find myself feeling so lost on this journey. I am the first of my friends to become pregnant so I don’t have many tips & tricks coming my way. I’ve quickly discovered these waters are HARD to navigate with out a good support system and a community of moms around you.

I hope if you’re reading this that you know that you are not alone, I feel you so deeply and MommyLand is a safe space for you! My goal here is to create a place where we as mothers can share our experiences with a community of many strong momma’s to help each other learn and grow!! I’m also here to help you look cute and cozy in some MommyLand gear while you’re busy being a cool mom hehe.

I can’t wait to get to know you, and thank you for being here!!


My Personal Instagram: @haildawson